The Science of Research-based Diagnosis
Corporate Vital Signs™ is a diagnostic tool that assesses and benchmarks many parameters known to predict future corporate performance, revenue growth and profitability. Its 13-page report zooms in to an Executive Summary and then drills down to specific priority insights (about corporate / team strengths and risks) focusing on high-ROI action by:
Providing current-state feedback derived from VitalityPro profiles to corporate decision makers.
Focusing decision making on Human Resources Management , training and organizational effectiveness initiatives which will best complement the company’s existing strengths.
Providing action recommendations to each employee from our confidential online profiles, highlighting personalized steps which will yield best win-win results… their vitality at work grows as they contribute more fully to their team’s performance
The action-focus provided by this diagnostic has created results which include…
Rooted in a 17-year history of applied workplace research, Corporate Vital Signs™ uses VitalityPRO™, a 145-item online questionnaire to collect workforce data from employees with guaranteed confidentiality.
See a sample of Corporate Vital Signs executive summary
VitalityPRO™ is an expanded version of the StressPRO™ for the workplace, which empowers individual employees to achieve:
a more productive balance of stress and satisfaction in their work
the engagement-with-work which drives consistent contribution to team goals
greater on-the-job resilience based on improved personal stress control, and balance in work and personal life
VitalityPRO™ provides the user access to both (a) a 6-page “My Top Priorities” report as well as (b) a 32-page detailed report and action plan. Both formats provide action-focused guidance directly supporting:
Self-directed management of stress, lifestyle and work life challenges
Fuller, more personalized benefit from a group-based workplace training program
Accelerated gains from one-to-one coaching
After completion of VitalityPRO :
Each employee receives their own fully personalized, confidential profile, a motivating, action-focused report which includes all the personal, work life and lifestyle guidance provided by StressPRO™ in addition to more detailed roadmaps for managing work stressors and the critical issues of engagement, stress and satisfaction in their work life.
Data from VitalityPRO is anonymously analyzed and confidentially reported in our aggregate Corporate Vital Signs diagnostic, guiding corporate decision makers in protecting the productive well-being of their workforce.
See a sample VitalityPro report
35-year research & development history
StressPRO™ empowers individuals to become more vital, productively healthy and self-managers of
Their personal stress
Their lifestyle balance
Their work-life stress and satisfaction
StressPRO™ is used for executive and individual coaching. It provides the user access to both (a) a 6-page “My Top Priorities” report as well as (b) a 32-page “Detailed” report. Both formats provide action-focused guidance directly supporting:
self-directed management of stress and lifestyle challenges
fuller, more personalized benefit from a group-based wellness program
accelerated gains from one-to-one coaching or counseling
Based on a 25-year history of applied research, StressPRO™ is a 100-item online questionnaire providing each person their fully personalized, confidential Profile… a motivating, action-focused report which includes…
Their overall resilience snapshot, highlighting personal strengths and vulnerabilities
How they compare to more than 180,000 adults on these key resilience factors…
Personal Vitality
Body-Mind well-being
Stress Control
Worry Control
Interpersonal Satisfaction
Work Life Vitality
Work Stress
Work Satisfaction
Commitment to Job
Lifestyle Vitality
Personal Development
Action-focused personalized feedback regarding how to (a) build on their strengths, and (b) reduce their stress and lifestyle vulnerabilities
StressPRO helps to create clear motivating improvements in personal and work life resilience.
See a sample of StressPro report
The VQ (Vitality Quotient) Profile: The six "StressTypes" personality traits were discovered at the CIS. This test, consisting of 61 questions, not only uncovers the individual's StressType, it accurately measures the degree of stress and vitality manifested across each of those types. The old Type A and B personality trait classification is an outdated concept. Rather than designating six letters as descriptors, the institute gave them more descriptive terms: "speed freak", "worry wart", "drifter", "loner", "basket case" and "cliff walker". In coaching, each StressType benefits from a different initial approach. The VQ was later incorporated into the VitalityPRO and StressPRO questioners.
See Discovering stressTypes
See VQ profile applications
SSE-36 (Stress, Satisfaction, Engagement): This profile measures the levels of stress, satisfaction and engagement with work within the organization. It is a very accurate predictor of a company's future success. The SSE-36 profile was later incorporated into the VitalityPRO questionaire.
See SSE-36 introduction
The 5 Pillars: We believe no person is entirely healthy unless he or she enjoys: 1- Physical health, 2- Emotional health, 3- Mental health, 4- Psychological health, 5- Healthy family relationships, 6- Healthy social and community relationships, 7-Healthy work relationships & 8- freedom from financial worries. So that is 8 pillars! For simplicity, this test combines some of the questions into a final five pillars format but addresses all of them. The 5 Pillars was later incorporated into VitalityPRO and StressPRO questionaires.
"The five pillars" article
Corporate diagnostics and core training meterial are developed & researched at and copyrighted to The Canadian Institute of Stress.